新资源 & 回国留学生


Students are strongly recommended to be fully vaccinated (defined as being two weeks past the final dose of a WHO EUL-approved COVID-19 vaccine 和 received a booster). 如需更多指导,请联系 COVIDCares@dh865.com.


For the latest information about travel 和 visa advisory information please visit the following 页面. 如需更多指导,请联系 intlstu@dh865.com. 如果你有移民/签证紧急情况, 请致电/发短信804-505-4291与顾问联系.



新的国际学生定位 (m和atory) is designed to help new students become familiar with the resources 和 services ODU provides to support student success.



的 诺福克国际机场 (机场代码:ORF)距离ODU大约9.5英里, 从机场到校园大约需要15到20分钟的车程.

校园路线 - Please note that each residence hall 和 campus building has a different address, 因此,在用户导航之前,一定要仔细检查这些信息.


  • 机场行李托运处有出租车. 优步和Lyft通常是可用的,但由于COVID-19可能会受到限制. 目前,优步和Lyft要求所有乘客戴口罩.
  • 诺福克美铁车站大约在4号.5 miles from ODU, 和 it takes about a 15-20 minute car ride from the station to campus.
  • 诺福克灰狗汽车站大约是3.5 miles from ODU, 和 it takes about a 10-minute ride by car from the station to campus.

临时住宿许多当地酒店提供特殊的ODU价格. 在特定时期,这些费率可能并不总是可用的. Always contact the hotel directly to see if the ODU rate applies for the duration of your stay.



了解更多关于各种 校园房屋 期权、协议、条款 & 条件. Reminder: Students must activate their ODU Email/MIDAS account before proceeding with the online 住房 & 餐厅应用程序.



大多数国际学生选择住在校外, 有很多选择, 然而, 选择合适的住宿需要你的努力. It is highly advised to not enter into any contractual agreement until you have arrived in Norfolk. 请访问 校外住房 了解更多信息.


君主运输是ODU的班车服务, 为所有学生提供免费固定路线巴士服务, 教师, 和

具有当前ODU ID的员工.

穿梭巴士停在大学的所有学术区域, 学生宿舍, 停车的位置, 还有运动场. Off-campus stops to local popular commercial destinations are available on weekends. 乘坐君主公交,请准备好您的 ODU身份证 准备好验证附加条款.

持F-1签证攻读学位的学生 & 持J-1签证者需在签证处办理签到手续 & 入境事务谘询(签证). 抵达美国后的办公室.S. 因为你的SEVIS记录需要注册. 您可以查看登记日期和所需的文档 在这里.

If you are a degree-seeking international student 和 your visa status is not F or J, 请填写 登记表格 和 email it to VISA along with any proof of visa status (I-797 approval notice, visa stamp, 等.).


一旦你收到你的I-20和SEVIS号码,你将需要支付 SEVIS I-901费用(350美元).

支付SEVIS费用后,向美国移民局申请F-1签证预约.S. 大使馆或领事馆. bet8体育娱乐入口的学校代码是WAS214F10145000. 要预约,你需要做以下的事情:

  • 完成在线非移民签证申请 (表格ds - 160 ——点击 在这里 要了解有关完成的更多信息 DS-160). 您必须:1)完成在线签证申请(表格DS-160), 和 2) print the application form confirmation 页面 to bring to your interview.
  • 照片 - You will upload your photo while completing the online visa application (表格ds - 160). 您的照片必须是在说明的格式 照片要求.
  • 安排面试 -你应该在a U.S. 大使馆或领事馆 在你居住的国家. 点击 在这里 预约等候时间.

We encourage you to check the 领事馆 website regularly as we anticipate that once the appointment becomes available, they will fill out quickly 和 t在这里 might be a waitlist for the appointment times.

根据美国.S. 国土安全部: SEVP coordinated with both the 国务院 和 CBP regarding the policy to allow electronic issuance 和 signing of Forms I-20 for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency. 这两个机构都支持这一行动. 然而, we are providing 和 mailing physical I-20s with original (wet) signatures to admitted students, 和 we strongly recommend traveling with a physical I-20 with an original signature whenever possible.

You will not need to pay your SEVIS fee again if you are deferring your admission to a later term. 我们会把新学期开始的日期寄给你新的I-20.

If you received an initial I-20 from a different school 和 an initial I-20 from ODU 和 you paid your SEVIS fee under the SEVIS number from the other school, 您可以转移SEVIS付款.

在一般情况下, international students on F-1 和 J-1 visas are required to take 9 credits (graduate students) or 12 credits (undergraduate students) each fall 和 spring semester to maintain their visa status. 如果秋天是你新项目的第一个学期, you may be eligible for a reduced course load of 6 credits (graduate) 和 9 credits (undergraduate) in that first semester. 请提交 减少课程负担(RCL)批准申请表 在第一周的周三之前交.

英语语言中心 students on an F-1 visa need to take 20 contact hours per week to maintain their visa status.

如果你漏了一个 必需的健康疫苗接种 而且你无法在你的祖国获得它, Student 健康 服务s can provide the required vaccine after your arrival on campus. 您的ODU健康保险计划(F-1要求) & J-1)会报销你接种疫苗的费用. 如果学生健康服务中心无法提供所需的疫苗, 他们会指引你到另一个医疗保健提供者那里.

攻读学位的学生需要办理签证 & 入境事务处谘询 after arrival to the US 因为你的SEVIS记录需要注册. 您可以在ODU上查看您的登记日期和所需的文档 国际新生报到 页面.

在一般情况下, international students are permitted to take only one course (3 credit hours) online per semester (fall 和 spring) towards the minimum credit requirement. 然而, 是否有与COVID-19大流行相关的临时程序, 我们将在办理入住手续时通知您,并提供必要的信息.

Please notify any updates regarding your visa status to the Office of 国际招生 和 the VISA Office. 研究生 international students must also notify their graduate program director.

如需延期入学,请提交网上延期表格: 推迟你的国际申请. You may add additional comments in the remarks section at the bottom of the form. 更新后的录取通知书将寄给您.

我们鼓励学生在学期正式开始日期之前到达. 迟到申请必须以书面形式提交至 intladm@dh865.com.


的 ODU英语语言中心 托福和口语考试将在学期开始前进行吗. 请浏览 语言学校的网站 查看每个测试的详细信息. 学生需要在考试前到英语语言中心注册. 学生应该准备好远程/在线参加这些考试. 程序和日期可能会有变化. 请致电ELC联络 ELC@dh865.com 或757-683-4424查询更多信息.

抵达前, it is possible for students to satisfy English proficiency through additional at-home testing alternatives. 请参阅 托福网考特别家庭版雅思指示器和/或 多邻国英语测试 看看这些选择是否适合你.

入读ODU后, 国际学生必须提交正式文件, 考试成绩, 等. If you need to submit any official/original final transcripts or score reports, 请到国际招生办公室报到. Official transcripts should be in a sealed 和 stamped envelope from your institution. Test score reports should be submitted directly from the testing center to the Office of 国际招生 or use our CEEB code 5126.

如果英语不是教学语言, 学术成绩单, 文凭/证书, 和 course descriptions are required in both English (officially translated) 和 one's native language.

你不必一次支付所有的学杂费. 金融办公室提供了一个 付款计划 秋季和春季学期. Payment plans must be established in 狮子座在线 each term by the published tuition deadline.